Fogarty, Brian J.

Quantitative social science data with R: - New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2023. - x, 390p

Includes bibliographical references and index.

"This practical, step-by-step introduction to quantitative social science using R will provide you with a foundation of understanding, ready to build upon as you advance throughout statistics. Brian Fogarty answers your research question using real world data, complete with explanations and discussion to provide give wider context. With features such as case studies, data sets, R exercises and videos, it explores the full integration of digital tools and methods within social science. Alongside these, the text is accompanied by online material such as tutorials, additional readings and PowerPoint slides to help put what you've just learnt into practice. Overall, this book will help you: Apply digital tools to your research using R Gain practical skills around data management and statistics Understand how quantitative data can be applied to the real world Brian Fogarty is the Director at the Center for Social Science Research for University of Notre Dame".


Social sciences-Research-Data processing
Quantitative research

001.42028 / FOG