Lunga, Ewa

What do we know and what should we do about AI/ - New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2023. - x,104p.

Includes index.

"Drawing on a range of global examples, What Do We Know and What Should We Do About Artificial Intelligence? analyses what AI is and how it works, before proposing what we should do to regulate and mitigate the risks of AI applications where it can manipulate human behavior or threaten our fundamental rights. This short introduction to the topic provides a brief, contemporary history of AI, including Turing's experiment, AI's grand challenges and the road to general AI. The expert author examines a range of crucial questions, such as what it means to be intelligent, and provides examples of instances where AI has proved more effective than human judgement. Luger goes on to explain why AI is never value-free, before concluding with a discussion of the importance of ethical frameworks, good governance, and regulation".


Artificial intelligence

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